The Last Days of DIY

Magick City

Me at Magick City / 2022

Final Party at #475Kent

That time is gone. Despite rumors of an #indiesleaze revival, the social paradigms that made that era what it was have phased out (as they should have). The #music and #fashion can be revived; but the #culturalattitude was distinctive, and it expired. 

(Though it may continue through remaining members of #indiebands who know they’ll get laid as long as their band names still strikes recognition. #notnamingnames )

It also won’t be the same because #NorthBK is not the warehouse party wonderland it once was. The spaces that housed our depravity have been replaced. And this past weekend we partied at two more for the last time. 

#475Kent and #MagickCity

We know these places played host to some of the best parties. But as we spilled our drinks on these grimey floors for the last time, we discovered our memories were piecemeal. We stood around kegs or on the side of the decks and offered our individual fragments trying to collectively reconstruct nights none of us were “fully present” for to begin with. 

It doesn’t matter that we can’t piece it all together. We were there. We remember the sentiment if not the specifics. More importantly, lasting friendships were born there.

So long #475Kent and @magickcity

Thanks for all the parties. 

In the 00s and early 10s, before the high rises and hotels, #Williamsburg and #Greenpoint were an expanse of rundown warehouses. These spaces were home to many #DIYs and a slew of #loftparties. 9/10x if you were partying, you were in a warehouse.

Those days the #Indiescene was in its prime and #debauchery was an aesthetic. You didn’t have to be here to see it. The grainy images of people snorting drugs off bathroom floors were captured by a local media agency devoted to documenting exactly what its title promised- #VICEmagazine. Pictures of our deviance could be found in #americanapparel stores across the country.  

If you were here though, your luck was to be dancing, drenched in the collective #sweat of party denizens while someone from #DFArecords played a #djset unannounced. The #cigarettesmoke #bo and #bodyheat made steam too thick to escape from cracked loft windows. 

A party never ran out of #djs or #dancers

It only ever ran out of #booze and toilet paper

It was gross 

It was #heaven

Magick City with Meg

Magick City 2023