The Maze


The maze is a metaphor for the given and possible trajectories of our lives.* Where we start is determined by our individual circumstances (e.g. ability, race, sex, ethnicity, religion, locale, socio-economic class, etc.) The figures and institutions of authority responsible for our socialization set our destination and give directions, but only by way of the roads they themselves paved. (Thus ensuring we will work/pay to maintain their power/profit.)

Although the passages have been provided as maps to success, they are inauspiciously narrow. They confine/conform us to move single-file–disciplined, as if on tightrope. The opaque barriers that separate the paths prevent insight into other walks of life and thus impede any mergers, solidarity or compassion. 

The maze we are given is a constructed reality. Although people’s mazes, directions, and ends are not identical, their fabrication remains. Our choice is between following what we have been given or discovering other ways to live. For the latter to be viable, we must first acknowledge that a) the maze is constructed and  b) its design is not arbitrary. The paths in place serve to uphold the socio-economic order. (Be sure, to deviate from the roads laid has its consequences.)

The awareness of the system as an entity of order for order does not come without instigation. There is a trigger. In the course of our lives there may be something or someone that prompts us to question the end we move toward, the legitimacy of our guide, or the maze itself. A simple doubt, question or moment of self-reflection could lead to a change of direction. And if the balance is tenuous enough, the removal of one brick could collapse the maze walls altogether. 

*Thank you for your attention as I massacre this metaphor

This work was created in conjunction with my installation, “It’s not a Hole, It’s a Portal.” 

The maze imagery is present in much of my new work (2021-2023). Its depiction and its relation to ketamine however has only appeared here.