It’s Not a Hole; It’s a Portal


It’s Not a Hole, It’s a Portal: Project Statement

This installation is inspired by a recurrent set of visions that alternate during my ketamine infusions. The first is a black room filled with haze, where shadowy silhouettes are only visible by way of a purple light, indistinct in origin. Against this backdrop, a fluorescent green algae-looking formation emerges and expands. At first the green appears in an erratic sequence, then it connects throughout my field of vision, covering the purple dark. It creates a network (neural/nucleic)–a connectivity that exists overall.. 

The significance of these two scenes is of great importance, philosophically and therapeutically. The dark room represents what in Eastern philosophy is known as “the Veil”. This is the everyday world we live in as humans, each composed of seemingly separate matters with individual ways of understanding our experience. This room is hazy; it clouds our ability to see our shared being. When lost in thought and judgment, or consumed with emotions, I remain here, unable to see around me. When I empty my mind on the other hand, the green ignites and the network extends, dispersing the fog. I am nothing and everything at once, indistinguishably connected with all existence. 
