
Since I could wield a pencil, no matter my age, location, or endeavor, I’ve compulsively made art. When I learned to write, its immense power to clarify and contextualize life made it a necessary resource for understanding existence. Art and writing remain channels for self reflection and self expression.

I’m a multidisciplinary artist and multi-genre writer. I’ll experiment with any artistic medium and learn what I need to in order to actualize my vision. That said, my writing and art are primarily concept-driven. My practice includes engagement and adaptation to common obstacles creatives encounter, resulting in continuous uninhibited prolificity. I don’t subscribe to notions of scarcity and austerity. My approach is spirited by abundance and play.

I avoided art school fearing that a results-based approach to creativity might sever the lifeline making art provided. Instead I studied philosophy, garnering extensive exposure to theory while enhancing my ability to analyze, synthesize, and communicate complex concepts through teaching and writing. All the while I maintained a continuous and prolific art practice. 

I received my PhD from the New School for Social Research. For over 10 years I worked in academia, teaching philosophy, writing, and logic. I loved teaching, but when I found I was no longer fulfilled and challenged, I decided to devote all effort to making art and pursuing personal writing projects. 

Now I’m an emerging artist and self-directed writer. I’m eagerly discovering and learning to navigate the uncanny art world. My most recent publication is a work of creative nonfiction designed to orient our beings with respect to the greater aspects of existence. It’s titled, Are You Wondering What’s in Here?